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Valerie Carter

It was such a thrill meeting and spending some time with Valerie Carter years back. She was very positive and kind in my experience and it was a stone cold pleasure when she would sit in and sing a little with the band. She used to say I looked like I belonged in NYC, which I took as a supreme compliment. Valerie sang with everybody in the 70's and 80's. Linda Ronstadt, Don Henley, Christopher Cross, Little Feat, Jackson Browne and James Taylor - to name a few. She also had a hit with "O-o-h Child" in '79 and was the inspiration for Stevie Winwood's song "Valerie". She was a fine songwriter to boot.

One night we were over at a friend's house after the gig.The guitars came out and she said, "Kirk, sing us a song". I'd had a few beverages at work and was working on one at the time/ Somehow, I was bold enough to sing "Blue Bayou" hoping she might chime in. She didn't... I'm always a little embarrassed by that when I think back on it. Anyhow, she was always so nice and giving with her talent. I certainly miss seeing her smiling face on occasion like I used to. She passed this day back in 2017.


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all content copyright 2015 - 2027 Kirk Adams - background photography Bridge Burke

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