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Back in April, the unstoppable pop master, KC Bowman released a 20 song album/tour de force entitled Get Passive under the moniker of Fireproof Sam and the Network All-Stars. Nestled among the quirky, catchy, melodious, jangling masterpieces you'll find me doing my best Elliot Easton impression on the tune Rev Nine also featuring Pop 4 family members Andrea Perry, on the beautifully counter melodic bass and Scott McPherson doubling the vocals and adding harmonies to tremendous effect. Also, it must be noted, the powerful Ian Lee provides the cracking drums. It's always an honor to be in the mix with these talented musicians and KC has made a fantastic album with the added bonus of the proceeds going to a great cause, Transitions-Mental Health Association (TMHA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating stigma and promoting recovery and wellness for people with mental illness through work, housing, community and family support services. As the band name implies, the record features a plethora of All-Stars from the Indie Pop universe. Check it out! It will be time well spent.

all content copyright 2015 - 2027 Kirk Adams - background photography Bridge Burke

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